14 January 2015

Editorial: Malaysia Scores Victory Over Islamic State

By Prashanth Parameswaran

A crackdown appears to have eliminated Malaysia as a transit point for IS recruits.

Malaysia appeared to have scored a small victory in its assault against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants this week, with the country no longer deemed a safe transit point for recruits headed to Syria to join the group.
An ISIS recruiter in Syria, using the name Abu Hud, posted a warning on the ISIS website urging Indonesians not to transit Malaysia in the wake of the police crackdown against the group there, the Malaysian newspaper The Star reported Tuesday.
“If Indonesians ask where they have to go through, please do not give advice to pass through Turkey or any place where they have to transit to Malaysia… It is tantamount to suicide. It is not safe anymore!” the notice posted on the blog said.
The recruiter also reportedly advised anyone transiting countries with the intention of eventually joining ISIS not to bring anything with them while traveling that is related to the group or its activities, such as a video, book or sticker. This is was allegedly how several Malaysians and Indonesians were previously detected by authorities. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat