15 January 2015

Editorial: ISIS Is Now Operating in Afghanistan

By Franz-Stefan Gady

Could a new front line emerge in South and Central Asia?

Afghan officials confirmed for the first time this week that the terror organization ISIS, which controls large stretches of territory in Iraq and Syria, is operating in Southern Afghanistan. According to BBC sources, Islamic State fighters have been battling Taliban forces in the southwestern province of Helmand with about 20 people from both sides killed and injured.
The Associated Press reports that Mullah Abdul Rauf, a former corps commander under the Taliban rule of Afghanistan, had a falling out with the Taliban leadership in the Pakistani city of Quetta, after which he replaced White Taliban flags with the black flags of the Islamic State, donned black battle fatigues, and pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The Wall Street Journal reports of a 16 minute propaganda video published last Saturday, which purportedly shows a former Pakistani Taliban spokesman pledging his allegiance to the terror group Islamic State and claiming that a number of Taliban field commanders have defected with him.  “We are gathered here with commanders from 10 units. They all want to pledge their allegiance to the caliph of all believers, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” proclaims the former spokesperson, Shahidullah Shahid, according to Wall Street Journal reporters who have seen the video.
Afghan officials do not seem to be excessively worried that the group will gain traction with Afghans. The BBC quotes the Governor of Nimruz province: “Once they fought under al-Qaeda name, then as Taliban, and now IS, they are the same people with the same programmes.” A key difference, however, is that the Taliban does not endorse the pan-Islamic model of global jihad that ISIS does, and usually confines its operations to Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat