18 August 2014

News Story: PLA Navy is 30 years behind US, says retired ROC officer

The People's Liberation Army Navy will expand the area denial range of its DF-21 ballistic missile to reach 2,500 km and operate three aircraft carriers by year 2020. However, China is still 30 years behind the US Navy, said Lan Ning-li, a retired Taiwanese vice admiral, our sister paper Want Daily reported on Aug. 16.

Lan was speaking at a forum in Taipei on Aug. 15 on the rise of China's naval power held by the Institute for National Policy Research, where he said that China is extending its effective force projection area further offshore.

PLA warships equipped with equivalents of the Aegis Combat System now outnumber those of the US Seventh Fleet. The Type 055C destroyer, which Lan believes will be the main escort in a PLA carrier group, has similar missile capabilities to US Aegis vessels. The 18 frigates carrying supersonic anti-ship missiles China managed to build within three years are capable of precise attacks with guided missiles.

Read the full story at Want China Times