20 August 2014

News Story: Military Secures Sensitive Sites in Pakistan Capital - Political Instability Grows


ISLAMABAD — The Army has assumed security responsibility of the sensitive “Red Zone” in Pakistan’s capital as opposition forces camped out in the capital enter it demanding the government’s resignation.

Some 55,000 supporters of populist opposition politician Imran Khan’s Movement for Justice Party (PTI), and cleric Tahir ul Qadri’s of the Pakistan People’s Movement (PAT), have been in the capital since the night of Aug.14. Both demand the resignation of the government on unproven vote-rigging allegations in last year’s election, and claims of widespread corruption and mismanagement.

As reports of isolated clashes with the police emerge, and the fear of bloodshed increases, analysts are concerned the military could stage a coup to restore security.

Read the full story at DefenseNews