21 August 2014

News Story: Analysts - Avenues To Expand Pakistan-South Korean Industry Cooperation Grow

Among successful South Korean exports is the T-50 Golden Eagle.


ISLAMABAD — Pakistan and South Korea will explore further avenues in defense industry cooperation, according to Pakistan’s Ministry of Defence Production.

Analysts said this latest development likely will include modernization and expansion of Pakistan’s shipbuilding industry, as well as possible warship construction. Pakistan long has had plans to expand its shipbuilding facilities by opening new yards in locations such as Port Qasim and Gwadar.

Pakistan has previously signed deals with South Korea to produce 155mm ammunition and to support its fleet of T-37 Tweet basic trainer aircraft. South Korean defense companies often attend Pakistan’s biannual International Defence Exhibition And Seminar (IDEAS). IDEAS2014 will be held in Karachi in December.

Brian Cloughley, author, analyst and expert on the Pakistani military, and former Australian defense attache to Islamabad, said although South Korea seems to have initiated greater contact lately, Pakistan will be especially keen to improve relations.

Read the full story at DefenseNews