18 August 2014

India: Indo-Nepal Combined Exercise

In the series of ongoing military co-operation with Nepal, Indo-Nepal Combined Training Exercise, Surya Kiran-VII, will be conducted from 18 to 31 Aug 2014. 

The combined training will be carried out in the mountain terrain of Pithoragarh in the Northern Himalayas at an altitude of 5000-6000 feet under the aegis of GARUD DIVISION. 

Based on an agreement during the 7th Indo-Nepal Bilateral Consultative Group on security, the two countries commenced combined training at Platoon Level in 2011, enhanced to Company Level in 2012 and currently stands upgraded to Battalion Level. This will be the Second Battalion Level Combined Exercise and approximately 300 personnel including Officers and JCOs from both the armies will participate in the two weeks long combined exercise. 

The aim of the exercise will be to hone Sub Unit level tactics and develop interoperability between Indian Army and Nepalese Army in Jungle Warfare, Counter Terrorism Operations in Mountainous Terrain, as also to provide working knowledge of Disaster Management to include Pandemic/ Epidemic diseases control and Aviation aspects. 

The Joint Training Exercise will commence from 18 Aug 2014. Senior Army officials of Indian Army and Nepalese Army are expected to attend the two week long exercise and they will also interact with the members of the contingents. 

This combined training, mutual interaction and sharing of experience amongst both the countries would not only further the strategic cooperation between both the armies but also aid in strengthening cultural & historical ties.