07 July 2014

News Story: PLA YJ-12 missile the most dangerous threat to US Navy - US expert

H-6 Strategic Bomber carrying a YJ-12 Anti-Ship Cruise Missile 

In an article written for the Washington-based military website, War on the Rock, Robert Haddick, an American military analyst said that the People's Liberation Army Navy's YJ-12 anti-ship cruise missile is the most dangerous threat to the US Navy in the Western Pacific.

On page 40 of the Military and Security Developments Involving the People’s Republic of China 2014 published by the Pentagon for congress indicated, this cruise missile provides an increased threat to naval assets, due to its long range and supersonic speeds. In addition, the YJ-12 is capable of being launched from PLA Navy Air Force's H-6 strategic bombers. Haddick said, therefore that the YJ-12 poses more of a risk that the DF-21 anti-ship ballistic missiles.

Read the full story at Want China Times