01 July 2014

Editorial: Pakistan Declares War on Haqqani Network

By Michael Kugelman

Pakistan has claimed it’s going after the Haqqani Network. But will it really?

Last week, Pakistan’s chief military spokesman said something extraordinary — something that could signal a sea change in the country’s security policy. Which makes it all the more perplexing that the international media has given scant coverage to what the spokesman had to say.
“There is no discrimination among different Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan groups or the Haqqani network,” Gen. Asim Bajwa told journalists at military headquarters in a briefing about Pakistan’s military offensive in North Waziristan. “[The] Army will crush them all.”
If this is in fact true, then it is great news.
The Haqqani network, formally designated by the U.S. as a terrorist organization, is a formidable Taliban-linked entity. It regularly launches high-profile attacks in Afghanistan, including assaults on the U.S. embassy. Some believe the Haqqani network introduced suicide bombing to Afghanistan. It also has extensive links to al-Qaeda; a West Point study (PDF) has concluded that it operates with al-Qaeda “as an interdependent system.” 

Read the full story at The Diplomat