10 June 2014

News Story: Russia should establish alliance with China and Iran

To confront the United States and NATO powers after the Ukraine crisis, Russia should create an alliance with China and Iran, reports Huanqiu, the website of China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times, citing a Russian military analyst.

Moscow has attempted to strengthen military and trade ties with Beijing following the West's condemnation and sanctions over Russia's involvement in Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. If Russia is able to seek a partnership with China, the analyst said that a security system can be established to challenge the global influence of the United States.

Using the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation founded in 2001 as an example, Huanqiu said that Russia and China are capable of uniting Asian countries together in a new regional order. China and Russia has already worked together to fight against crime and terrorism in the Central Asia region through this system. Cultural, technological and economic exchanges have also been carried out among the six members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation — China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

Read the full story at Want China Times