09 June 2014

Editorial: China May Build ‘Artificial Island’ in South China Sea

By Zachary Keck

The island would be used as a military base to enforce a South China Sea air-defense identification zone.

China is considering plans to build an artificial island in the South China Sea to use as a military base from which to project power, according to the South China Morning Post.
According to the report, which cited prominent Chinese scholars and a navy expert, the artificial island would be constructed on the Fiery Cross Reef, where China already maintains some installations. The reef is part of the Spratly Islands and is disputed by the Philippines and Vietnam.
“China is looking to expand its biggest installation in the Spratly Islands into a fully formed artificial island, complete with airstrip and sea port, to better project its military strength in the South China Sea,” the report said. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat