10 June 2014

Brunei: ASEAN Regional Forum Defence Officials Dialogue and Security Policy Conference


YANGON, MYANMAR, Saturday  7 June 2014 - The ASEAN Regional Forum Defence Officials’ Dialogue (ARF DOD) was held at the Park Royal Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar. The Meeting was chaired by Major General Tin Maung Win, Deputy Chief, Armed Forces Training, Office of the Chief of the Armed Forces Training, Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

The Meeting shared views on the role of armed forces in non-traditional security challenges and the role of military in human security.

In discussing these two topics, participants were of the view that armed forces play important supporting roles in tackling those issues especially in disaster situations. They also emphasized the need to enhance regional capacity and joint capabilities in addressing the issues.   

Brunei Darussalam was represented by Haji Adi Ihram Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud, Acting Director of Defence Policy.



YANGON, MYANMAR, Sunday 8 June 2014 - The ASEAN Regional Forum Security Policy Conference (ASPC) was held at the Park Royal Hotel, Yangon, Myanmar. The Meeting was chaired by Commodore Aung Thaw, Deputy Minister of Defence, Ministry of Defence, Republic of the Union of Myanmar.

The Meeting exchanged views on regional and international security situation. Participants were of the view that security in the Asia-Pacific region is defines in two forms, namely traditional security concerns and non-traditional security challenges.

Consistent message is expressed that regional mechanisms such as the ARF provides a platform on which security needs for both traditional and non-traditional concerns can be assessed peacefully through dialogue, consultation and cooperation.

The Meeting also shared views on the contribution of the armed forces in response to non-traditional security challenges such as natural disasters and terrorism. Participants emphasized the whole-of-government approach in dealing with such challenges.

Prior to the Meeting, the ASEAN Heads of Delegation had a breakfast meeting with the People’s Republic of China hosted by Lieutenant General Wang Guanzhong, Deputy Chief, General Staff Department, People’s Liberation Army, People’s Republic of China.

Brunei Darussalam was represented by Haji Adi Ihram Dato Paduka Haji Mahmud, Acting Director of Defence Policy.