The Chinese Army (PLA) released some interesting pictures showing a Z-10 attack helicopter conducting deck trials at sea with a Chinese Navy (PLAN) Type 072A-class landing ship (NATO designation Yuting-III-class). The helicopter reportedly belongs to the 5th helicopter brigade of the 1st Army of the Nanjing Military Region while the vessel is from the East Sea Fleet of the PLA Navy (hull number 913 "Baxian Shan").
The goal of these trials is probably to qualify the Z-10 attack helicopter onboard Type 072A landing ships so that it may provide close air support to a landing party launchd from the same vessel. It remains to be seen if PLA and PLA Navy will also qualify this helicopter type onboard the much larger Type 071 (Yuzhao-class) amphibious transport dock.
Read the full story at NavyRecognition