24 March 2014


INDONESIA, Thursday 20 March 2014 - The 4th Jakarta International Defence Dialogue (JIDD) has just been concluded in Indonesia.

The two-day conference was officially opened be H.E. Boediono, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia and featured prominent speakers including H.E. Xanana Gusmão, Prime Minister and Minister of Defence and Security of Timor Leste, The Honourable David Johnston, Defence Minister of Australia, and H.E. Jeanine Antionette Hennis-Plasschaert, Minister of Defence Netherlands. The theme of the dialogue was ‘Building Maritime Collaboration for Security and Stability’.

The dialogue focused on maritime security challenges, which ranged from maritime territorial disputes and non-traditional security threats. In stressing the importance of maritime cooperation to address challenges, defence officials discussed trends in naval modernisation, as well as the roles of ASEAN and other regional organisations in facilitating maritime cooperation.

Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Awang Haji Mohd Yasmin bin Haji Umar, Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office, led Brunei Darussalam’s delegation.

At the sideline of JIDD, the Minister also met separately with the Minister of Defence of Indonesia, H.E. Purnomo Yusgiantoro, and the Minister of Defence of Australia, the Honourable Senator David Johnston, to discuss matters relating to promoting defence cooperation between the two sides.

Also attending the conference was Brigadier General Dato Seri Pahlawan Haji Yussof bin Haji Abdul Rahman, Deputy Commander of the RBAF and Commander of the Royal Brunei Land Force.

The Jakarta International Defence Dialogue is an annual event which brings together Defence Ministers, Chiefs of Defence Forces and other senior defence and military officials to discuss regional defence and security issues.