08 February 2014

USA: Department of State Promotes U.S. Aerospace and Defense Technology at the Singapore Air Show

Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs Ken Handelman will join a delegation of senior U.S. officials in Singapore on February 8-13, 2014 to hold consultations on defense trade issues and to promote more than 163 U.S. companies exhibiting the latest aerospace technologies at the Singapore Air Show. Among the other U.S. officials comprising the team from Washington will be Department of Defense Undersecretary for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Frank Kendall, Department of Commerce Acting Undersecretary for International Trade Kenneth Hyatt, and Federal Aviation Administrator Michael Huerta. Senior military leadership from the U.S. Pacific Command will also attend.

In Singapore, the delegation will advocate for overseas marketing efforts of U.S. companies bidding on commercial and defense contracts, engage with senior government officials to promote defense sales of particular importance to the United States, discuss how progress toward Export Control Reform is supporting our partners and allies, and consult with governments on broader strategic cooperation issues, such as advancements in aviation safety and efficiency.

America’s economy depends on the strength of the global economy – and the global economy depends on the strength of the American economy. The U.S. Government helps promote U.S. businesses and supports U.S. industry through the efforts of talented and dedicated employees in over 200 U.S. embassies and consulates worldwide. Every day, our commercial and economic officers and other diplomats work to promote U.S. companies wherever they operate – driving exports, creating jobs, and accelerating our economic renewal – with the knowledge that superior U.S. technology, expertise and innovation keeps U.S. goods and services among the most competitive.