15 January 2014

Editorial: Japanese Military Drill, Chinese Coast Guard Patrol Both Aim At Disputed Islands

By Shannon Tiezzi

China’s Coast Guard patrols and Japan’s military drills are the new normal for the Diaoyu/Senkaku dispute.

It seems an ever-rising level of tension has become the norm in the East China Sea. From China’s new ADIZ to Shinzo Abe’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine; from angry op-eds written by Chinese and Japanese Ambassadors to Japan and China trading barbs over new fishing rules in the South China Sea, hardly a week goes by without some new incident pushing China and Japan farther apart (and closer towards conflict). This week was no exception.
Three Chinese Coast Guard vessels patrolled near the disputed Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands on Sunday morning, entering waters claimed by Japan. In response, Japanese Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera told reporters, “We can never overlook such repeated entries. In addition to diplomatic efforts, we will cooperate with Coast Guard and securely defend our territory and territorial waters around the Senkaku.” The Chinese Foreign Ministry lambasted Onodera’s comments, with spokesperson Hua Chunying warning Japan “not to underestimate China’s firm resolve and willpower in defending the national territorial sovereignty.” 
Read the full story at The Diplomat