17 October 2013

News Story: France Floats Out First Russian Mistral Warship

Mistral class LHD (File Photo)

SAINT-NAZAIRE (France), October 15 (RIA Novosti) – A French shipyard floated out Tuesday the first of two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships being built for the Russian Navy.

The ship, named Vladivostok, being built at the DCNS shipyard in Saint-Nazaire, is expected to start sea trials in March next year.

“The ship will be handed over unarmed, but equipped with French-made landing equipment,” DCNS program manager Yves Destefanis said at the launch ceremony. It will be fitted with Russian-made weapons systems later, he added.

The vessel will receive its additional Russian systems at the Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg, and then be handed over to Russia’s Pacific Fleet in November 2014.

Read the full story at RIA Novosti