25 October 2013

Editorial: Pakistan Should Accept Blame for US Drones

By Zachary Keck

Reports this week by The National Journal and The Washington Postfurther highlight the direct role that the Pakistani government­—or at least portions of it—have played in facilitating the U.S. drone campaign in Pakistan, which the U.S. is facing growing criticism over.
The National Journal reported on Wednesday that under the George W. Bush and Pervez Musharraf administrations, a secret protocol was put in place that defines the role the Pakistani military and intelligence services play in approving and authorizing the strikes. The report mainly relies on the accounts from unnamed former and current Pakistani and American officials.
This report was followed hours later by a blockbuster piece from The Washington Post that further details the level of cooperation between the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and various parts of the Pakistan government­—in particular, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)—in carrying out the drone strikes.

Read the full story at The Diplomat