29 October 2013

Editorial: China Showcases Nuclear Submarine Fleet

By Zachary Keck

China’s state-run media touted the growing power of the PLA Navy’s nuclear submarine force in a series of articles that ran over the weekend.
The article, which ran in a number of state-run publications, noted that China’s elite submarine units have taken a low profile to date, but suggested that they now would be more prominently featured in public relations media campaigns.
“After more than 40 years of development, now is the time for us to show the world our determination and ability to safeguard peace and tell our people about this ‘mysterious' force,” Rear Admiral Li Yanming, the political commissar at a nuclear submarine base was quoted as saying.
Other PLAN sailors quoted in the article suggested that China’s submarine force was capable of dealing with rival forces in the region.

Read the full story at The Diplomat