17 October 2013

Editorial: Australia’s Delicate China-Japan Balancing Act

By Zachary Keck

Australia’s new foreign minister referred to Japan as Canberra’s “best friend” in Asia and announced Australia’s support for Japan’s military modernization during her first trip to Tokyo in her current position.
According to Kyodo, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told a press conference in Tokyo on Tuesday that Australia and Japan “share values and strategic interests” and “having so much in common, it’s not surprising that we should describe Japan as our best friend in Asia — not only to say it, but mean it.”
Later during the visit, Bishop announced that Australia supports Shinzo Abe’s effort to adopt a normal defense posture.
“The Australian government welcomes the direction that the Abe government has taken in terms of having a more normal defense posture and being able to take a constructive role in regional and global security.”

Read the full story at The Diplomat