21 August 2013

News Story: China Sends Draft Border Cooperation Agreement to India


NEW DELHI — China has sent a draft of a border cooperation agreement to India, a document that is expected to be signed when Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visits Beijing in October, according to Indian Defence Ministry sources.

Indian Defense Minister A.K. Antony told the Lower House of Indian Parliament on Aug. 20 that a draft has been received.

“Two rounds of negotiations have been held so far. The purpose of the proposed agreement is to formalize mechanisms and procedures to enhance mutual trust and confidence between the border troops of India and China and to facilitate the maintenance of peace and tranquility along the border with China,” Antony said.

Antony, during a visit to Beijing July 4-7, discussed with his Chinese counterpart, Gen. Chang Wanquan, the establishment of a formal mechanism to improve security at the borders, pending the final settlement of the territorial dispute between the two countries.

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