13 June 2013

Editorial: Air Sea Battle Under Fire From Congressional Committee

By Zachary Keck

The House Armed Service Committee (HASC) in the U.S. Congress is raising a number of concerns about the U.S. military’s AirSea Battle Office and its larger plans to counter Anti-Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) envrionments.
In its initial version of the FY 2014 National Defense Authorization Act, which was passed through committee with the relevant provisions seemingly intact, HASC advanced a number of concerns over the creation of the AirSea Battle (ASB) Office outside the Joint Staff, while also indicating its desire to better incorporate the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) into the military’s solution for overcoming A2/AD threats.
With regards to the ASB office, HASC wrote: “The committee is concerned whether the placement of the current ASB office outside of the Joint Staff is the most logical and effective location for integrating ASB concepts across the services.” 

Read the full story at The Diplomat