21 June 2013


JERUDONG, Friday 20 June 2013 - The ASEAN Defence Minister's Meeting Plus (ADMM-Plus) Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief and Military Medicine Exercise (HADR & MM EX) and the 2nd ASEAN Militaries' HADR Exercise came to an end yesterday with the visit of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah Ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Haji Omar `Ali Saifuddien Sa’adul Khairi Waddien, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Minister of Defence and Supreme Commander of Royal Brunei Armed Force (RBAF).

Enhanced commitment, friendship and cooperation were among the major achievements of this year's said the Deputy Minister of Defence, Dato Paduka Haji Mustappa bin Haji Sirat, the guest of honour at the Appreciate Night of the ADMM-Plus HADR & MM Ex when delivering his speech last night to almost 3000 military officers and personnel from eighteen countries. Dato Mustappa had been greatly impressed by the high level of commitment shown by participating nations. "It is gratifying to see the high level of commitment and professionalism demonstrated by all the participants during the exercise," he said.

"Within a few days of working together, we have forged closer friendships and cooperation with each other," he said.  Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa praised the personnel involved in the joint exercise, which he said was significant to regional unity. "Your presence in Brunei has been meaningful and is well appreciated and has reaffirmed the hope for greater unity in the region for the future."

Dato Paduka Hj Mustappa said that despite it being a field training exercise, there had been genuine medical cases in the local communities that required attention, especially in Mentiri and Temburong. He also said the role of defence diplomacy and highlighted the prevailing trend for increasing deployment of military personnel and assets for peace keeping and disaster response operations, particularly during the emergency phase. "This trend is likely to continue in the future and brings countries closer together in strengthening defence cooperation."

The deputy minister expressed the hope that regional forces would be able to forge closer cooperation as a result of the recently held exercise to better tackle the effects of natural calamities. The inaugural exercise, the first ever practical collaboration involving eighteen ADMM Plus countries, brought together more than 3,000 personnel, making it one of the biggest multi-lateral joint exercises of its kind in the region.   "The exercise has provided the ideal opportunity to learn from each other's experiences and best practices, particularly in the field of HADR and military medicine, said the Deputy Minister.

Dato Hj Mustappa also said every nation had brought something new to the table that had greatly benefited all parties and that the sharing of knowledge and ideas and the adoption of a common set of standing operating procedures had helped to enhance interoperability and confidence among the member countries. “It is important for ASEAN members not to get caught with our pants down when disasters strike, stressing the importance of preparedness for all scenarios. “Incidentally, this is in line with our theme this year — 'Securing our people, our future together'."

The dinner was also attended by Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces Major General Dato Paduka Seri Hj Aminuddin Ihsan Pehin Orang Kaya Saiful Mulok Dato Seri Paduka Hj Abidin.  

The ceremony was held at the Brunei International Defence Exhibition and Conference's Convention Hall in Jerudong.