15 May 2013

News Story: Japan PM warns of possible military response to subs

Hawkish Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Tuesday Tokyo could mount a military response if foreign submarines enter its territorial waters while underwater, as Japan and China continue to squabble over islands.

Abe's comment came after Japan's Defence Ministry said a submerged vessel was spotted in the contiguous waters -- a 12 nautical mile strip outside territorial waters -- near one of Japan's Okinawa islands, from late Sunday to early Monday.

The government would not confirm media reports it was a Chinese sub.

"These are serious acts. If (submarines) enter our territorial waters while underwater, we would have to implement maritime security action," Abe told parliament Tuesday.

He did not clarify further, but the form of words he used may indicate that the Defence Minister could order action by Japan's Self Defense Forces.

Read the full story at SpaceDaily