07 May 2013

News Story: Annual (US) DoD Report Claims Steady Chinese Military Expansion


WASHINGTON — China continues to rapidly modernize and expand its military and has deployed an anti-ship missile that could attack vessels more than 1,500 kilometers away, according to a new Pentagon report.

The Pentagon’s annual assessment on the growth of China’s military also said the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is likely behind attacks on US computer networks.

“In 2012, numerous computer systems around the world, including those owned by the U.S. government, continued to be targeted for intrusions, some of which appear to be attributable directly to the Chinese government and military,” said the report, which was released on Monday.

The administration has been more public about cyber attacks from China in recent months, starting with Thomas Donilon, President Barack Obama’s national security adviser, naming China in a March speech and culminating in high-level military talks at the end of April.

Read the full story at DefenseNews