20 April 2013

AUS: United States Marine Corps Personnel arrive in Northern Australia

The second rotation of around 200 United States Marine Corps personnel will arrive in Darwin on Sunday for a six month deployment. 

This rotation will be similar in nature to the initial rotation in 2012, and will be accommodated at Robertson Barracks. 

Training activities will also be similar to those conducted in 2012, and will include bilateral training with the Australian Defence Force and unilateral training at existing Defence facilities in the Northern Territory, and training with regional partners. 

This rotation will also participate in this year’s iteration of Exercise TALISMAN SABRE. 

This initiative is part of the enhanced Australia-US Defence cooperation announced by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and United States President Barack Obama on 16 November 2011. 

The initiative will see US Marine Corps personnel deploying to northern Australia on a rotational basis, for around six months per year. 

The intent in coming years is to establish a rotational presence of up to a 2,500 personnel Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF), rotating into Northern Australia in the northern dry season. Rotations of a full MAGTF will not occur before 2016/17. 

The Australian Government has not yet made any decisions about the arrangements for larger US Marine Corps rotations. 

The first social and economic assessment found the social impacts will be minimal or even negligible and that there would be a small and positive economic benefit associated with the 2012 and 2013 rotations of United States Marines.

As a next step an Assessment is now being undertaken of the impacts of rotational deployments of up to 1,100 US Marines to northern Australia.

This initiative will continue to provide tangible benefits for Australia increasing the number, variety and complexity of training opportunities for the Australian Defence Force, and further developing our interoperability with US forces. 

It also supports Australia’s long-held strategic interests in supporting United States engagement in our region in a manner that promotes peace and stability. 

This initiative will also provide new opportunities for US and Australia-US engagement with regional partners.