21 March 2013

Think Tank: India Singapore Army Exercise Bold Kurukshetra 2013

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and the Indian Army (IA) are conducting Exercise Bold Kurukshetra, the ninth bilateral armour exercise between the two countries as per a report in the Straits Times. More than 700 soldiers from the SAF and IA participated in integrated manoeuvres as well as joint planning and training. The integrated live-firing exercise conducted on 20 March 2013 was witnessed by Singapore's Chief of Army Major-General Ravinder Singh and commander of the 21 Corps, Lieutenant-General Amit Sharma. Both armies also interact regularly during policy dialogues, courses, seminars and other professional exchanges said the report in the Straits Times.

India and Singapore defence relations are multifaceted and based on historical linkages of British era. Indian forces have fought in Singapore in the Second World War. SAF and IA periodically conduct Exercise “Bold Kurukshetra” in Central India and this time too the series is being extended with effective participation of troops on both the sides. As part of the exercise, the two armies are conducting joint planning, training as well as executing integrated manoeuvres. The troop exercise also includes Integrated Live Firing of Infantry Combat Vehicles, Tanks and Mortars which is the main event providing a high degree of realism in training and thus denotes sustained up gradation of cooperation. For Singapore which lacks training grounds and facilities in the city state due to lack of space, India provides an ideal backdrop with abundant and well established ranges for live practices.

This Article first appeared on Security Risks and is reposted here under a Creative Commons license.