22 March 2013

Sri Lanka: Iranian Naval Ships “I.R.I.S Kharg” & “I.R.I.S Sabalan” arrive at the Port of Colombo

Iranian naval ships, “I.R.I.S Kharg” and “I.R.I.S Sabalan”, arrived at the Port of Colombo on 21st March 2013 as part of the Overseas Maritime Study Tour of the Naval University Cadets attached to the Imam Khomeini Naval University. The ships were welcomed by the Sri Lanka Navy in accordance with naval traditions on arrival.

Head of the Training Mission, Captain Omid Golestanch and Ships’ Commanding Officers, Commander Abdolvahab Taheri and Lieutenant Commander Farzad Salimi paid a courtesy call on Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, Vice Admiral Jayanath Colombage at the Naval Headquarters in Colombo. They held cordial discussions and exchanged mementos as a gesture of goodwill. Defence Attache of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Lieutenant Colonel Khorram Lajevardi was also present on the occasion.

I.R.I.S Kharg and I.R.I.S Sabalan belong to the Iranian Navy. I.R.I.S Kharg is a replenishment ship which is 207.8 meters in length. It has a displacement of 25,000 tons and a complement of 476 naval personnel onboard.

I.R.I.S Sabalan is a destroyer ship with an SH3P helicopter onboard. It is 95 meters in length and has a displacement of 1,440 tons. The ship has a complement of 198 naval personnel onboard.

The Iranian naval ships will stay in Sri Lanka until 24th March and the ships’ crews will participate in a special programme organized by the Sri Lanka Navy to enhance the mutual relations during their stay in Sri Lanka.