21 March 2013

News Report: North Korean threats against USA & South Korea

Kim Jong-un strident, warns US, S Korea of obliterating strikes

According to North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, ‘the time of words and rhetoric has passed’, and his country is determined to respond to what he describes as an American or South Korean provocation by hitting military targets in the South and American bases across the Pacific.

He says the strikes would be obliterating, bringing death to each and every enemy soldier.

Kim was speaking at the end of wargames in which the North Korean military used armed drones and anti-aircraft missile batteries.

According to North Korean media, these batteries can easily shoot down cruise missiles.

This story first appeared on Voice of Russia & is reposted here with permission.


North Korea exercises drone attacks on "enemy"

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un supervised a drone attack on a simulated South Korean target, Pyongyang's KCNA news agency reported. It also reported that a rocket defense unit had successfully shot down a target that mimicked an “enemy” Tomahawk cruise missile. 

“The (drone) planes were assigned the flight route and time with the targets in South Korea in mind, Kim Jong-un said, adding with great satisfaction that they were proved to be able to mount (a) super-precision attack on any enemy targets,” KCNA reported, specifying the day on which Kim attended a drill. 

According to South Korea's Yonhap news agency, North Korea possesses 1970s-era US drones which it had obtained from Syria. 

The KCNA report said that Kim Jong-un, the third of his line to rule North Korea, would give orders to destroy military installations in any war zone and also U.S. bases in the Pacific if the North was attacked.

This story first appeared on Voice of Russia & is reposted here with permission.


North Korea to retaliate for another over-flight of Korean Peninsula by US plane

North Korea has warned that it is prepared for serious retaliatory military moves in case of another over-flight of the Koran Peninsula by a US B-52 strategic bomber.

The Central Korean News Agency quotes the Foreign Ministry in Pyongyang as saying that this is a tactless provocation.

The B-52 in question was involved in the annual war games that South Korea and the United States hold in the region.

According to a Pentagon official, the flight of this kind of bomber in South Korea’s airspace is evidence that Washington is prepared to defend Seoul if it comes under North Korea’s attack.

Pyongyang earlier threatened Seoul with a pre-emptive nuclear strike.

This story first appeared on Voice of Russia & is reposted here with permission.


North Korea threatens to target US airbases in Japan

North Korea's supreme military command said on Thursday its "precision attack" weapons have U.S. navy bases in Guam and Okinawa in their sights and will attack them if it is provoked.

"The United States is advised not to forget that our precision target tools have within their range the Anderson Air Force base on Guam where the B-52 takes off, as well as the Japanese mainland where nuclear powered submarines are deployed and the navy bases on Okinawa," the North Korean command spokesman was quoted by KCNA news agency.

North Korea earlier made a threat to stage a nuclear attack on the United States, something that is well outside of its current military capacity, although the U.S. Pacific bases are in range of its medium range missiles.

The North has responded angrily to reports that the United States has flown B-52 bomber sorties over the Korean peninsula as part of the annual military drills with South Korean forces.

North Korea issues air raid warning

Media reports say that South Korea's Unification Ministry issued a press release saying that North Korea had issued an air raid warning according to a radio broadcast monitored in Seoul. According to local sources the warning appeared to be part of a defense drill.

Reuters quotes an official at the Unification Ministry, which is responsible for ties with the North and monitors North Korea's news broadcasts, as confirming the air raid warning on Thursday morning.

According to the Yonhap News Agency the warning was issued at 00:32 GMT and carried a message to military units to stand ready and enter a state of full military preparedness, however the action appeared to be a drill under an air raid scenario.

North Korea has been conducting large-scale military drills coinciding with annual exercises by the South Korean and U.S. forces scheduled for the end of April.

The U.S. and its allies have attempted to stress that the military drills, which are heightening tensions in the region, are strictly defensive in nature.

Anti-US video circulates in N. Korea

A four-minute anti-American video has been posted on a pro-government website in North Korea.

The video, posted under the title A Firestorm will Descends on the Headquarters of War, shows the flight of a B-52 bomber with a female voiceover saying that "the fuse of a nuclear war is burning out, second after second".

The next picture depicts the White House in the sights of a gun and the top of the Capitol building exploding.

North Korea has threatened to carry out a preventive nuclear strike in case of an attack from the US.

This threat came amid the ongoing US-South Korean war games currently under way on the peninsula.

This story first appeared on Voice of Russia & is reposted here with permission.