23 March 2013

News Story: Australia Confirms Iranian Warship Interception

AP-3C Orion (Wiki Info - Image: Wiki)

By Nigel Pittaway

Melbourne, Australia — An Australian Defence Force spokesperson confirmed Iranian reports that two of its warships had encountered a Royal Australian Air Force reconnaissance aircraft in the Indian Ocean earlier this month, but denied there was a confrontation.

“An Australian AP-3C Orion encountered an Iranian frigate during a routine Operation Gateway patrol on 10 March 2013,” said a Defence Department spokesperson.

The Iranian Navy ships were reportedly heading home after a port visit to Zhangjiagang in China and were nearing Sri Lanka when they were intercepted by the Australian aircraft.

Read the full story at DefenseNews

NOTE: The “Sri Lanka: Iranian Naval Ships “I.R.I.S Kharg” & “I.R.I.S Sabalan” arrive at the Port of Colombo” Link in the above was added by PacificSentinel for clarity & context.