23 February 2013

News Story: Army, HAL sign Rs 300 cr deal for 20 Cheetal choppers

The Cheetal is an upgraded Cheetah which is shown above

NEW DELHI (PTI): The Indian Army has signed a Rs 300 crore contract with the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited for procuring 20 Cheetal helicopters to boost its capability in carrying out high altitude operations in areas like Siachen.

The Cheetals are being procured to fulfil the deficiencies faced by the force in light helicopter segment in view of the delays in the procurement of new 197 choppers for it and the IAF.

The Cheetal helicopters are the upgraded versions of the Cheetah/Chetak choppers in the Indian Armed Forces and have been equipped with stronger engines to enhance their performance.

The contract for the procurement was signed on Thursday between the Army and the HAL and the first helicopter would be delivered within next two years from now, army sources said.

Read the full story at Brahmand