12 August 2012

News Story: Taiwan reiterates sovereignty over Taiping Island

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Taiwan's government on Friday reiterated the country's sovereignty over Taiping Island, the largest in the Spratly chain in the South China Sea, saying that because it has been under the administration of the Republic of China government for a long time, "the country's sovereignty over the island is beyond doubt."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the statement in response to a Vietnamese newspaper report that quoted the country's foreign affairs officials as saying Taiwan's recent move to strengthen its defenses on Taiping infringed on Vietnam's sovereignty over the island.

The statement in response stressed that in terms of history, geography and international law, the Spratly, Paracel, and Pratas islands, as well as Macclesfield Bank and waters surrounding the island groups are all ROC territory. The ROC government does not recognize any other country's claim for any reason, the statement said.

Read the full story at Want China Times