07 June 2012

News Story: Panetta Wants To Simplify Technology Transfer to Asian Allies


NEW DELHI — As U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has traveled around the Asia-Pacific over the last week, defense leaders in the region have made it clear they want more access to U.S. technology and equipment.

Securing that technology has not been easy as export restrictions and other red tape have delayed or prevented these sales and the passing along of intellectual know-how.

“It’s a bureaucratic nightmare to deal with this stuff,” Panetta said during a June 6 press conference.

Now the Pentagon is taking a new approach to speed up the process of these types of requests by foreign governments.

“We are working to try to get changes in the export control act to try to eliminate some of the barriers that are there, to loosen up on some of the bureaucracy that’s involved with regards to those laws,” he said.

Read the full story at DefenseNews