05 June 2012

News Story: China Calls U.S. Shift to Pacific ‘Untimely’

BEIJING — China said June 4 that a U.S. decision to shift the bulk of its naval fleet to the Pacific by 2020 was “untimely” and called on Washington to respect its interests in the region.

The decision to deploy more ships to the Pacific Ocean and to expand defense partnerships in the region — announced June 2 by Pentagon chief Leon Panetta — reflects U.S. concerns over China’s rising economic and military might.

“All parties should make efforts to safeguard and promote peace, stability and development in the Asia Pacific,” foreign ministry spokesman Liu Weimin told reporters in response to a question on the U.S. announcement. “The practice of strengthening military deployment and alliances to give prominence to a military and security agenda is untimely.”

In his speech to the Shangri-La Dialogue, a major Asia security summit held in Singapore, Panetta insisted the strategy was not a challenge to Beijing.

Read the full story at DefenseNews