16 May 2012

News Story: (Singapore) Naval exercise shows nimble and integrated fleet

RSS Steadfast - Formidable class frigate (Wiki Info)

Report by Sheena Tan
From RSS Persistence, in the South China Sea

Naval helicopters working seamlessly alongside Formidable-class frigates, and missile corvettes operating unmanned aerial vehicles. All these assets and systems came together in a Fleet Exercise, held some 80 nautical miles away from Singapore in the South China Sea.

Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen, who visited the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN) on 15 May, observed the exercise from the Formidable-class frigate RSS Stalwart.

In the Combat Information Centre (CIC) of RSS Stalwart, Dr Ng witnessed integrated operations between the naval helicopters and the frigates, as well as a multi-dimensional exercise encompassing anti-air, anti-surface and anti-submarine warfare.

This exercise demonstrated the RSN's abilities to operate as a highly-networked task group that is integrated into the wider Singapore Armed Forces' (SAF's) Integrated Knowledge-based Command and Control network.

Dr Ng also went on board the Victory-class missile corvette (MCV) RSS Valiant where he was updated on the ScanEagle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system that was acquired as part of the MCV upgrade programme.

The MCVs are being upgraded so that they have the capability and flexibility to meet new and evolving operational demands. To date, three of the RSN's six MCVs have completed their upgrades.

Read the full story at CyberPioneer