09 May 2012

Editorial: North Korea Hijacks China Plans?

By Mu Chunshan

Most attention in China recently has focused on the Bo Xilai and Chen Guangcheng sagas, as well as the dispute with the Philippines in the South China Sea. But there’s been another issue confronting the Chinese government, one that is at least as complicated as the Bo drama – relations with North Korea.

North Korea’s proximity to some of China’s booming regions mean any problems in the Hermit Kingdom risk having repercussions in China. North Korea defied international (including Chinese) opinion last month in going ahead with its bid to launch a satellite, and the outside world has since been speculating that North Korea is planning a third nuclear test. China for its part has expressed concern through the United Nations about the possibility of another North Korean nuclear test, and joined other Security Council members in urging Pyongyang to refrain from such a move.
Read the full story at The Diplomat