12 February 2012

Editorial: China’s Police Chief Mystery

By David Cohen

The apparent detention of Chongqing Police Chief Wang Lijun is a blow to populist politician Bo Xilai. And could be a sign of where China is headed.

The Chinese rumor mill has been in overdrive since Tuesday, when Chongqing deputy mayor and chief of police Wang Lijun was apparently taken into custody after spending the night in the American consulate in the nearby city of Chengdu. A close ally of Chongqing’s party chief, the celebrity politician Bo Xilai, Wang’s case throws sudden doubt on Bo’s efforts to join the top-ranking Politburo standing committee, and suggests that powerful forces may be gunning for the Chongqing leader.

Wang’s apparent attempt to defect is presumed to have followed a warning that he was due to be arrested (although there are other, if rather fanciful, theories – see below).

Read the full story at The Diplomat