10 February 2012

AUS: 3 RAR Soldiers Welcomed to Townsville

© Commonwealth of Australia

Soldiers from the Third Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (3 RAR), waved graciously with wide smiles as the Townsville community lined The Strand to welcome them to town.

Townsville Mayor, Les Tyrell, Aboriginal Elders and the community, officially welcomed 3 RAR with a Parade down the idyllic Strand, followed by a traditional welcome and civic reception atAnzacPark.

“This is overwhelming. To be received with such open arms from all elements of the community, is truly something I and these soldiers appreciate,” said the Commanding Officer (CO) of 3 RAR, Lieutenant Colonel (LTCOL) Trent Scott.

“This again reinforces the importance of the move, and the Battalion looks forward to repaying this welcome by contributing in a positive manner to the community,” he said.

The men and women of 3 RAR began work at their new lines at Lavarack Barracks last week following their move from Holsworthy Barracks inSydney, and have been settling in well.

“Townsville is excellent,” said PTE Sue-See. “The lifestyle is something I am really looking forward to, the barracks are awesome and better than I have ever seen, and the people have been so friendly.”

As the members of 3 RAR mingled with the community and dignitaries, the Mayor took a moment to comment on the significance of the arrival of the new Battalion.

“These soldiers have moved up here, and they can be sure of one thing,” Councilor Les Tyrell said, “they are now part of us.”

“Townsville has a rich Defence force history and we welcome 3 RAR as another part of that. The community here values the role of our Defence force personnel in both their service abroad forAustralia, and the economic and social contribution they make to our way of life here in Townsville,” he said

The move commenced last November after years of planning, with the majority of the soldiers and their families completing their move earlier this year. This has meant approximately 1500 people, including 680 soldiers, have relocated as part of the Battalion’s move.

With 3 RAR’s arrival, the three original Battalions of the Royal Australian Regiment are located in the same location for the first time since 1948. In addition, the entire 3rd Brigade is now based in one location.

The relocation also means Townsville now has the biggest military presence inAustraliawith almost 7,000 service personnel in the region – this brings social and economic and benefits to Townville with soldiers and their families active in the community.

Originally formed in 1945, the 3 RAR is an infantry battalion which has seen active service inJapan,Korea,Malaya,Vietnam, East Timor, theSolomon Islands,IraqandAfghanistan.