23 December 2011

AUS: New Chief Defence Scientist appointed

Dr Alex Zelinsky

The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, Warren Snowdon, announced today the appointment of Dr Alexander Zelinsky as Chief Defence Scientist and head of the Defence Science and Technology Organisation.
Mr Snowdon said Dr Zelinsky is an internationally recognised scientist who has made substantive technical contributions in addition to providing leadership to the high technology community.
Dr Zelinsky has worked with private and public sector organisations at the senior executive level and is currently the Group Executive, Information Sciences Group in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).  
“Since joining the CSIRO in 2004, Dr Zelinsky’s focus was on building the research capabilities of his Group to address Australian national challenges, particularly in energy, health, agriculture, mining and environment sectors,” Mr Snowdon said.
“In his previous role as a Professor at the Australian National University, Dr Zelinsky was known for his pioneering work in developing novel technologies for human-machine interaction, which has been recognised as a key breakthrough technology by academia, industry and the wider community,” he said.
Dr Zelinsky will assume the Chief Defence Scientist appointment in early 2012. His selection follows the retirement of Professor Robert Clark, which was announced on 1 August 2011.
Mr Snowdon also joined the Secretary of Defence in offering his thanks to the acting Chief Defence Scientist Dr Ian Sare, and the entire DSTO leadership team, for their excellent work during this time of transition.
“Dr Sare has done a wonderful job steering the DSTO team over the past several months, and I trust the coming period will prove to be just as productive under Dr Zelinsky’s leadership,” Mr Snowdon said.