04 November 2011

News Story: (USA) CNO warns deep cuts will hollow fleet

Wiki Info
By Sam Fellman

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jon Greenert warned Tuesday that nearly $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years will “cause irreversible harm” to the Navy, as concern mounts that the deficit-cutting supercommittee won’t be able to reach agreement by Thanksgiving. That triggers an automatic cut known as sequestration.

“It will hollow the military, and we will be out of balance in manpower, both military and civilian, procurement and modernization,” Greenert told the House Armed Services Committee. Cuts could go into effect starting in 2013 if a deficit reduction package is not signed into law.

These cuts will impair the Navy’s ability to respond to crises globally and to sustain a sufficient fleet, with hardship also falling squarely onto sailors and their families, Greenert said.

Read the full story at the NavyTimes