01 October 2011

USA: Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador Marc Grossman Travels to Turkey, South and Central Asia, China, and the Gulf

U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Ambassador Marc Grossman will travel to Abu Dhabi, Ankara, Dushanbe, Bishkek, Astana, Kabul, Beijing, Tashkent, Ashgabat, New Delhi, Islamabad, and Doha from September 30 to October 14, 2011.

Ambassador Grossman is traveling to South and Central Asia and neighboring regions ahead of the November 2, 2011 Istanbul conference for Afghanistan and in the lead-up to the December 5, 2011 Bonn conference to build support for the vision of a stable, secure, and prosperous Afghanistan in a stable, secure, and prosperous region. Ambassador Grossman also will also discuss the “New Silk Road” vision for the South and Central Asian region’s economic future following the September 22 New Silk Road Ministerial in New York City. In Doha, Ambassador Grossman will speak at the CENTCOM conference for regional U.S. ambassadors.