18 June 2011

USA: United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1988 and 1989

The United States welcomes the passage today of United Nations Security Council resolutions 1988 and 1989. The resolutions mark a major step forward in the strengthening of the international sanctions regime against terrorists.

Passage of UNSC Resolution 1988, which establishes the Afghanistan sanctions regime, is a tangible sign of support by the international community for Afghan reconciliation efforts. At the same time, the resolution contributes to ongoing efforts to combat the insurgency. The new regime will be an important tool to support the Government of Afghanistan’s efforts to reconcile with insurgents who are willing cut ties to international terrorist organizations, including al-Qaida, renounce violence, and respect Afghanistan’s constitution, including its protections for all Afghan women and men.

Passage of UNSC Resolution 1989 represents the international community’s continued commitment to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qaida, on the heels of recent gains against al-Qaida’s core leadership. We are pleased by the significant reforms the Council has made to further enhance the fairness and transparency of the 1267 Committee’s listing and delisting processes. We hope that these enhancements to the regime will allow the Council, and the 1267 Committee, to turn its attention back to the business of ensuring that these sanctions are fully implemented.

We welcome the strong international support for these resolutions from a diverse array of members of the Security Council – and especially the support of Afghanistan’s neighbors and near-neighbors. All countries in the region stand to benefit from a responsible political settlement of the Afghan conflict, and also an end to al-Qaida’s safe havens and the exporting of extremism into their countries. These resolutions are another important step towards achieving these objectives.

We will also continue to push for more robust implementation of existing sanctions by all Member States to make global sanctions more effective.

US State Department