07 June 2011

USA: Assistant Secretary of State Eric P. Schwartz Traveling to Bangladesh

Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration Eric P. Schwartz will visit Bangladesh June 7-9 to meet with government officials and international and non-governmental organizations to discuss humanitarian protection and assistance issues for the registered Rohingya refugees and undocumented Rohingya in Bangladesh.

There are over 29,000 registered Rohingya refugees living in two official camps in Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh. In addition, approximately 30,000 undocumented Rohingya reside in two unofficial sites near the camps and the Government of Bangladesh estimates 200,000 – 500,000 undocumented Rohingya are residing in various villages and towns outside the refugee camps.

The United States is deeply concerned about the plight of the Rohingya in Bangladesh and elsewhere in the region, and is working with the governments of these countries to reach a comprehensive solution to the Rohingya’s plight.

The United States continues to provide humanitarian assistance for the registered Rohingya refugees, undocumented Rohingya and Bangladeshis in communities that host them. This assistance includes health and nutrition services, water and sanitation systems, educational programs for children, vocational training, and special devices and access to services for the disabled.

US State Department