08 June 2011

Sri Lanka: 19th IMBL Meeting held onboard SLNS Sayura

The 19th International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) meeting between the Sri Lanka Navy and the Indian Navy / Coast Guard was held onboard SLNS Sayura at the Indo- Sri Lanka Maritime Boundary Line, off Kankasanthurai on 07th June 2011.

Sri Lanka Navy delegation was headed by Commander Northern Naval Area Rear Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne whereas the Indian Navy delegation, which came onboard ICGS Vajra, was headed by Commodore Rajive Girotra, Naval Officer in Command at Tamil Nadu.

The IMBL Meeting is held once a year to strengthen the naval relationship between the two neighboring countries.

During this year’s session matters of mutual interests related to Naval Operations and fishing activities conducted in the Palk Strait and the Gulf of Mannar sea areas were discussed.

Sri Lanka Navy