02 June 2011

Philippine: Army on Peace Talks: Who is not Sincere?

FORT ANDRES BONIFACIO, Taguig City - The sincerity of the government and the military in particular, as regards the ongoing peace process is not questionable, a military official said.

Colonel Antonio Parlade Jr, the Army Spokesman, said that it is the NDFP's commitment that has remained obscure despite their public pronouncements.

"Why does the NDFP always raise this issue of commitment on the part of the Government of the Philippines (GPH) without publicly showing their own commitment for the peace process?" said Parlade. Citing the data available in his office, Parlade lashed back at the NDFP for its own "lack of commitment".

"Is the continued attack of government installations, businesses, construction firms, plantations part of their commitment? Is the continuous use of landmines even against civilians their commitment? Is their policy of extrajudicial killings victimizing our soldiers and perceived civilian informants part of their so-called commitment?"

Parlade said that the NDFP's expressed doubt about the GRP's commitment (for the peace talks) meant only to win public sympathy with an attempt to destroy the credibility of the government forces. He also said that there is no truth to the claim that Alan Jasminez and Tirso "Ka Bart" Alcantara are indeed NDFP consultants covered by the JASIG. The original list of NDFP consultants is kept in a safety vault by a neutral party in the Netherlands.

"Jasminez and Alcantara were arrested and detained for the numerous crimes they have committed. There is no verifiable proof that the claims that the two suspected criminals are among the listed NDFP consultants, therefore, I dare them to reveal the identities of the consultants that are originally listed," added Parlade.

Parlade has also called on the Filipino people to remember that the CPP-NPA-NDF Kangaroo courts do away with due process and take justice in their own hands by meting out their own brand of revolutionary justice to those who go against their beliefs or those that oppose them. In the Bicol Region alone, at least a hundred people were killed by the communist rebels for various allegations in 2009 and 2010. Recently, in Sorsogon, PFC Efren Salcedo and a civilian identified as Resureccion Mendones were killed when NPA opened fire at a passenger jeepney in Barangay Macawayan, Irosin, Sorsogon on May 27, 2011. The GPH caused the release of Morong 43 as a gesture of goodwill but Parlade asks: "Where are most of them now? Aren't they back in the hills pursuing the armed struggle?"

"So, now, they want Alcantara, and Jasminez, to be freed so that they can talk peace?" Parlade said. In their own press statement, the NDFP declared that Tirso Alcantara signed the release of Major Noel Buan, with ICRC. Parlade said that it was part of the NDFP's art of deception. "He orchestrated the release of Buan not in the pursuit for peace but because he knew that he was primarily responsible for Buan's capture", Parlade explained.

"His signature is proof of his involvement in many of the atrocities STRPC committed in between the capture of Buan and his release. He is in fact facing 33 criminal cases in various courts. Alcantara never ceased from conducting attacks after the release of Buan and therefore, it is indeed ridiculous for NDFP to claim that he is man of peace and a 'peace consultant'.

Tell that to the Marines. He bathed in innocent people's blood as he pursued all those attacks and detonating landmines victimizing our fellow Filipinos in Quezon, Mindoro, Laguna and elsewhere". Recently, the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), through its chief negotiator Luis Jalandoni, questioned the sincerity of President Aquino's administration in pursuing peace with the communist group as it calls for the release of its supposed consultants who are facing criminal charges.

"As we have repeatedly emphasized, the Philippine Army together with the whole Armed Forces have always been sincere in our talks for peace with the NDF. Let's pause and reflect who is wanting of sincerity here." "The Army leadership, with LtGen Arturo B Ortiz at the helm is firm in our commitment to achieve genuine and lasting peace. But let the people say who is committed and who is not."

 "In the end it's the ordinary people who suffer from all those lies and propaganda of the CNN-NPA-NDF. As to the 340 others, they call them political prisoners while still in detention, but once out, who is going to bet they will work for peace? That's 340 more extortionists on the loose if not more warm bodies reorganizing fronts for their armed struggle".

"The Philippine Army, and the AFP as a whole, is pursuing our Bayanihan which is reaping victories with the call for all stakeholders to join hands towards winning genuine peace rather than fighting battles. That's the GPH commitment sans any hidden agenda," Parlade concluded.

Philippine Army