26 January 2017

News Story: US won’t undermine Rody gov’t, backs drug campaign

MANILA, Philippines – The US government is supporting the Philippines’ fight against the drug menace and reports that Washington was plotting to oust President Duterte over drug-related killings are “total nonsense,” America’s top diplomat in Manila said yesterday.

US Ambassador Sung Kim cited strong cooperation between the two countries in fighting drug trafficking, which he said would continue despite some “flaws” in the way it is being carried out.

“We have absolutely no interest in doing anything to try to undermine President Duterte’s government. Period. I hope you can put that story to rest,” Kim told a small group of journalists at his official residence in Makati. “Categorically, confidently, I can tell you that is total nonsense. There is absolutely no basis for that report.”

Asked what the US would do in case Duterte declared martial law, Kim said he did not want to comment on hypothetical situations.

He said while preparing for his posting in the Philippines, he went over all the cables and reports sent from the US embassy in Manila and “there’s nothing that even resembles what’s claimed in that media report.”

Since taking up his Manila posting in early December, Kim has had what he describes as two “very long” meetings with President Duterte and key Philippine officials. Kim would only say that they had “wide ranging discussions” on numerous issues including “law enforcement in general.”

Read the full story at The Philippine Star