14 July 2016

News Story: BRP Tarlac deployed on mission, no specifics for security reasons

The Philippine Navy (PN)’s largest and newest vessel, the 7,300 gross ton BRP Tarlac (LD-601), is now currently deployed on its maiden mission.

“She (BRP Tarlac) is now deployed to (her) operational area,” PN spokesperson Capt. Lued Lincuna said to the PNA without giving specifics for security reasons.

He added that the BRP Tarlac is also currently being escorted while conducting this mission.

“She is mission capable (and) escorted by (other PN surface units) as per doctrine while on the said deployment. I can’t divulged any other information (because) it has security implications,” Lincuna said when pressed further.

Read the full story at Tankler