11 April 2016

News Story: Carter Heads Out on Pacific, Gulf Swing

US SecDef Ash Carter
Aaron Mehta

WASHINGTON — Secretary of Defense Ash Carter leaves Saturday for a two-week visit that will take him to India, the Philippines and through the Gulf region.

The visit has a dual purpose: to bolster partnerships in the Pacific, and then to discuss the ongoing fight against the Islamic State group, commonly known as ISIS or ISIL.

First in the Asia-Pacific, in both India and the Philippines, Secretary Carter will advance the United States growing security where we are developing new partnerships and modernizing long-standing alliances.

In India, Carter will visit both Goa and Delhi as a gust of Indian Minister of Defence at the host of Minister of Defense Manohar Parrikar.

While there, he will meet with Parrikar and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to discuss “the progress we have made together in aircraft carrier, jet fighter, and jet engine collaboration,” Carter said in remarks at the Council for Foreign Relations in New York on Friday. “And we will talk about exciting new projects, the details of which I cannot go into this afternoon, but stay tuned for when I'm with Minister Parrikar.”

Read the full story at DefenseNews