16 March 2015

News Story: PLA fighters intercept Myanmar jets after fatal bombing

After four Chinese villagers were killed by a bomb dropped by a MiG-29 fighter of the Myanmar Air Force, PLA jets have begun to carry out patrols over the border region, Shanghai-based news website the Paper reported on Mar. 14.

Myanmar government forces, striking at Kokang rebels on the Myanmar side of the border, had earlier accidentally attacked Shantouzhai village near the city of Lincang on the Chinese side of the border, with no casualties. Four people were killed and nine injured on Friday however when a bomb was dropped on nearby Dashuisang village.

Liu Zhenmin, China's deputy foreign minister, summoned the Myanmar ambassador Thit Linn Ohn to give an explanation. The ambassador reportedly denied that government forces had dropped a bomb on Chinese territory and claimed Kokang rebels might have fired artillery into China deliberately to create a misunderstanding and bring about a Chinese intervention, Reuters reported. Myanmar has also claimed that Chinese mercenaries have been fighting on the side of the rebels.

Read the full story at Want China Times

NOTE: The “Myanmar Bombings in Yunnan Killed 4 Chinese, China Deploys Jets, Warns of 'Resolute Measures'” Link in the above was added by PacificSentinel for clarity & context.