15 March 2014

Editorial: Taiwan Receives First ‘Carrier Killer’ Ship

By Zachary Keck

The Tuo River, the first of twelve 500-ton stealthy twin-hull missile corvettes, has been delivered to the ROC Navy.

The first of Taiwan’s so-called “carrier killer” ships was delivered to the Republic of China (ROC) Navy on Friday, according to local media.
Focus Taiwan reports that the Tuo River, a 500-ton stealthy twin-hull missile corvette, was christened by the ROC Navy earlier today. As the report explained, “The twin-hull corvette, described as a ‘carrier-killer’ by local media, has a maximum speed of 38 knots (70 kilometers per hour) and a range of 2,000 nautical miles. Its speed and low radar signature allows the corvette to get close to enemy targets.”
It is the first of what is expected to be 12 ships built in Taiwan under the Hsun Hai (Swift Sea) program. The program was first announced publicly in 2009, although Taiwan’s legislature waited until 2011 to authorize NT$24.98 billion (US$853.4 million) in funding for the program.
Originally, the program was supposed to yield between 7 and 11 vessels, but that number is believed to have been upped to as many as 12. 

Read the full story at The Diplomat