24 February 2014

News Story: US Army Chief - China, Japan Need Dialogue to Avoid 'Miscalculations'

BEIJING — US Army Chief of Staff Ray Odierno on Saturday said Beijing and Tokyo must enhance communication to avoid “miscalculations” amid a simmering territorial dispute over islands in the East China Sea.

Odierno, a four-star general, spoke during a visit to China where he has held talks with military officials aimed at establishing a formal high-level dialogue between the US and Chinese armies in the coming months.

“We reinforced the importance of dialogue and discussion between the Japanese and the Chinese regarding this issue,” Odierno told reporters. “We have to be careful and ensure that there are no miscalculations along the way.”

Tokyo and Beijing are locked in a bitter territorial row over Japan-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea which China also claims and calls the Diaoyu.

Read the full story at DefenseNews